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3 minutes read

The KDA Command Line Tools: New Release for Kadena’s Developers and Builders

We are thrilled to present and showcase the remarkable features of the latest release of KDA Command Line Tools, an all-in-one automation solution for transacting on the Kadena blockchain.

This new update is designed to facilitate the ever-evolving needs of our dedicated community of developers and builders, offering improved efficiency and productivity.

Some of the key features of the KDA Tool include:

  • Generate keys

  • Construct transactions across multiple chains using transaction templates

  • Conveniently create transactions from personalized templates stored in a configurable public GitHub repo

  • Sign transactions with both plain ED25519 key pairs or with Chainweaver-compatible HD keys

  • Sign transactions using the Kadena wallet signing API

  • Sign transactions with your local Chainweaver keys directly by entering your password

  • Easily test, send, and poll results on the blockchain for multiple transactions

  • Other basic operations for interacting with nodes

Let’s expand on some of these key features below.

Transaction Construction & Templating

Kda-tool uses mustache templates to let you quickly and easily construct transactions for multiple chains and many other access patterns. It allows for the generation of single and multiple transactions, and it also has built-in support for predefined templates stored on GitHub.

Transaction Signing

Once transactions have been generated, builders can create a command to add signatures to the files. Signing can be completed with key files, chainweaver HD recovery phrases, other wallets via the signing API, multi-sig, and combination signatures.

Using kda-tool for Smart Contract Development

Kda-tool makes testing and deploying smart contracts to multiple chains convenient and repeatable, as it reads Pact code and data from disk. It allows builders to check files into Git or some other version control system so that builders can easily reproduce their deployment steps in the future.

The KDA Command Line Tools is an indispensable companion for developers seeking to build within the Kadena ecosystem, and it provides a seamless experience of efficiency and productivity.

By Kadena