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String operators


(length s)
(length s)
  • takes s: string
  • produces integer

String length

Supported in either invariants or properties.


(+ s t)
(+ s t)
  • takes s: string
  • takes t: string
  • produces string
(+ s t)
(+ s t)
  • takes s: [a]
  • takes t: [a]
  • produces [a]

String / list concatenation

Supported in either invariants or properties.


(str-to-int s)
(str-to-int s)
  • takes s: string
  • produces integer
(str-to-int b s)
(str-to-int b s)
  • takes b: integer
  • takes s: string
  • produces integer

String to integer conversion

Supported in either invariants or properties.


(take n s)
(take n s)
  • takes n: integer
  • takes s: string
  • produces string

take the first n values from xs (taken from the end if n is negative)

Supported in either invariants or properties.


(drop n s)
(drop n s)
  • takes n: integer
  • takes s: string
  • produces string

drop the first n values from xs (dropped from the end if n is negative)

Supported in either invariants or properties.


(hash s)
(hash s)
  • takes s: string
  • produces string

BLAKE2b 256-bit hash of string values

Supported in properties only.


(hash s)
(hash s)
  • takes s: a
  • produces string
  • where a is of type integer or decimal

BLAKE2b 256-bit hash of numerical values

Supported in properties only.

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